That One Time I Went On a Date With a Guy I Met At a Swingers Club

At a bar overlooking my beloved Barcelona - where many of these magical stories take place.

At a bar overlooking my beloved Barcelona - where many of these magical stories take place.

Remember that one time I went to a swingers club? Well, while I was standing at the pool, awkwardly waiting for Monika to finish swimming, a guy near me struck up conversation. Basically we talked about how awkward the place was, and how we had no idea what we were getting into when we signed up for the party - he too was there to hear a friend DJ. His name was Anand and he was from India. I mentioned that I love Indian food and he mentioned that he happened to be the head of an Indian food lover Meetup group in Barcelona. About this time is when Monika was getting out of the pool so we exchanged numbers and I left.

A few days later Anand messaged me to see if I wanted to get some Indian food at this really great restaurant he knew. I’m always up for good food, so I agreed, and he told me to meet him at a Bicing bike stand on the edge of the Raval neighborhood. On the chosen night, I biked my way to the Raval, and upon locking my bike, found Anand and we started working our way through the narrow, labyrinthine streets. On the way he said he should probably let me know that the restaurant wasn’t so much a restaurant, as someone’s house.

I feel like here is a good time to pause and review some facts. 1. I met this guy at a swingers club. 2. It’s the first time I’m hanging out with him, so I know basically nothing about him. 3. We’re in the Raval neighborhood of Barcelona which is basically the “dark underbelly” of the city - like a red light district, prostitutes and drugs readily available. 4. This step-up-from-a-stranger basically tells me we’re going to a private house instead of a public restaurant. 5. I didn’t really think about any of this information until I was replaying my night to a friend later, and she freaked out on me about how dangerous that was, and all the things that could have happened to me. Since none of these things crossed my mind, my response to the “It’s not really a restaurant, more of a house” was simply, “Cool!”

After a short walk, we arrived at a door, and Anand did a special knock, and then went in. We were literally standing in someone’s living/dining room area, and could see into the kitchen where there were a bunch of Indian guys cooking food. They all greeted Anand, and there were some other people already eating at the dining table, who greeted us as well. We sat on the sofa and talked as we waited for the food Anand ordered to be prepared. He explained that these guys came to Barcelona to open a restaurant, but they couldn’t get papers until they had enough money, so they were secretly running a restaurant out of their house to build up the money they needed to get their papers, and to send money back home to their families until they were able to come join. It was insane. These guys were cooking their hearts out, and the whole time we’re there, bicycle delivery guys are coming in and out, picking up orders to deliver.

The people at the table finished and left, so we moved over there, and got our food. It was amazing! We had 3 different dishes, and they were all so good! I mentioned something to Anand about how I had to tell my friend about this place, and he just laughed and said that wouldn’t happen. He said you could only eat there if you knew someone who was “in” like him - even I wouldn’t be able to go back on my own.

After our meal we meandered through the Raval, until we stopped at one of the million adorable bars, and split a bottle of wine. Anand shared all about his life and dreams, and I told him I was jealous of his ability to re-invent himself in Barcelona. He tried to give me a pep talk about living my life, and not letting guilt guide me, etc., etc. Basically the talk I’ve heard from so many before him, but that I still need to hear about 41 more times before it really sets in.

Ironically I got a call the next day that I had to cut my time in Spain short to return home to take care of my dog because my mom no longer would, so I left my beloved Barcelona. I never saw Anand again.